Saturday, July 24, 2010

Britney's Cosmo Cover..."Gimme Less" Please!

As you probably know, Britney Spears is on the cover of the August issue of Cosmopolitan. I don't know if it's just me, but I hate this cover.

First off, the outfit is something I would have expected 18 year old Britney to wear, not Britney post 2 kids and 28 years of age. In addition, what is with showing off the vag tats? Okay, I know Cosmo is more about sex and relationships than fashion, but come on. Granted her body is fantastic, I wish it was a little more age appropriate or at least chic. It's not like this is a men's magazine.

Whatever, I'm just so over Britney.

1 comment:

Mariam Hakim said...

A lot of people were saying here face was photoshopped onto that body lol