Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Its Not Glamourous Being An Intern

Hey guys. I'm writing this update on the Staten Island Ferry. Yuck, I know.

I just finished another day at Lucky.I am so grateful for this internship because any experience in this industry is great for my future, especially at such a reputable magazine as Lucky.

But be warned, its not as glamourous as you might think.
If you are interning in the fashion industry, obviously you're going to want to look cute. However, you definitely need to keep in mind your comfort because chances are you won't be sitting at a cozy desk all day. You run errands, dig through every inch of the office to find samples, and usually end up on your feet for most of the day. Also, heavy lifting and heavy sweating may occur (definitely NOT cute).

I'm writing this because I am currently feeling a little discouraged. Don't get me wrong, everyone at Lucky have been nothing but nice to me, but when I spend 2 hours looking for an urgent sample to return and end up empty handed I feel so disappointed in myself. I know I am doing the best I can, but I want the people I am working for to know that.I am desperatley trying to prove myself beacause my need to make it in this industry is relentless. I will do whatever it takes, even if it kills me (because it might...I'm so sore right now lol).

Sigh. Sorry for the rant. Its just been one of those days. Everyone has to pay their dues. I guess I will be paying mine for a while. Besides, it's still early in the semester. I'm sure it will get better.

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